Casey Neistat Gives A Shake
Mugs in the Cabinet – Fox News
Some artists have created somewhat darker snow globes. The creative team of Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese sell ones with profane words floating inside and a Seven Deadly Sins series.
– Kate Murphy, The World Through a Flurry of Snow, The New York Times

Pure Products is dedicated to a mission that’s rare in the art world these days: satirizing the blatant corruption of powerful public figures and institutions in America.

Tchotchkes aren’t just tchotchkes when you work in government. Sometimes they are gifts, and, as Robert Torricelli can attest, there are strict rules about such things.
– Jake Tapper, Talk of the Town, The New Yorker

An appropriately bitter snow globe.

Controversy has erupted from the sleepy third-floor hallway galleries at the New York Public Library…
– Ken Johnson, Politically Charged Prints Cause Talking in the Library, The New York Times